About Us

Hello, I am Wayne Russell and will be your instructor. Classes will be held in Southern New Brunswick, CANADA. I have over 40 years of outdoor and survival skills, that I have shared with groups and individuals for years. The History Channels ALONE Show contestant season 1, and Certified Wilderness Survival Instructor by the Maine Primitive Skills School. I am happy to share these skills with the public and look forward to it. These courses will offer the knowledge to perform the tasks needed to stay alive and even thrive in the wilderness. The courses offered are great for the day hiker, hunters, fisher folks or anyone that goes into the wilderness. Being prepared to stay out of the situation in the first place, is the start. The skills you can learn can keep you alive if you fall into that SURVIVAL situation.
The Courses will progress from Basic, Intermediate to Advanced skills in the future. Stay Safe Out there, and enjoy.